Thank you so much to Renate, way over there in Germany for this awesome Blog award. This was a much needed bright spot in my day!
The Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 5 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude. It is a great way to show those people they are appreciated. Click on the lemonade award to pop to Germany to visit Renate's wonderful blog . Now I should add here that after stumbling upon Renate's blog and having a look at her beautiful cards I left her a comment saying I loved her work, and was sorry I was unable to read her posts- due of course to me not being able to read German (silly me!!) Anyway, Renate very very kindly got to and interpreted her posts for me! Now how kind was that! I am not sure about me, but Renate sure earned that award!
Okay, now I am passing this on to...
Robyn, who has not blogged for sometime, but that is because she is busy doing great deeds and has no time to spare just now. Hope you manage to get back soon Robyn, I miss your news!
Sandra, who is one brave lady and always seems to be doing something nice for someone else.
Lianne for inspiring me to get my walking shoes out and to go on the hunt for numbers! Love this cool idea, thanks Lianne.
Niella brightens my every day with splashes of colour and fun, visit her blog and you will see just what I mean!
Allie for being so generous and sharing all of her wonderful talent so freely with us all.
of course I thank everyone for their blogs and wonderful cyber company!!!
Dear Sonya, you make me blush! Thank you very much for your kind friendly words. It`s a pleasure to translate the posts, yet I doubt that it`s always correct. I`m afraid I don`t have a lot of practice, so this is quite an opportunity to upgrade my English. :-)))
Actually you do earn the award, yes, you really do, my blog-friend far far away!!!! :-)))
Hugs, Renate
Thanks sooo much! I haven't received this award yet so I definitely feel special! It's nice to receive such kind things from people. It keeps me motivated to know that people are so thoughtful!
I hope you have a Happy Monday--as you've just made mine that much brighter!
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